Orchids are renowned for their exotic beauty, delicate features, and captivating presence. However, there’s a lot of confusion surrounding the care of these enchanting plants. Many people find themselves both admiring orchids and feeling perplexed by them. It’s time to demystify the care of orchids and provide some guidance on how to keep them healthy and flourishing.
Here are some tips to keep your orchid healthy and thriving!
Understanding Orchids
To start, let’s meet the most common orchid you’ll encounter: the Phalaenopsis. Its common name is the Moth Orchid because its appearance is reminiscent of the outstretched wings of a moth. In its natural habitat, the Moth Orchid typically clings to jungle tree limbs.

Choose the Right Potting Medium
Consider the environment that orchids are naturally happy in. While you can’t recreate a jungle in your living room, you can mimic key aspects:
- Use a potting mixture of bark chips or sphagnum moss
- Choose a pot with ample drainage to prevent waterlogging
This setup allows your orchid to adequately absorb moisture as if it were in a humid, tropical environment.

Water Wisely
The wonderful thing about orchids is that they don’t require much attention. Orchids have remarkable resilience and can endure periods of dryness between waterings.

When Should You Water?
To determine when it’s time to water, you can check the potting mix or lift the orchid pot. If it feels especially light, it’s time to water your orchid.
How Much Water Should You Give Your Orchid?
When you do water, ensure your orchid receives a generous amount, but ensure that excess water can drain away completely. Allowing your orchid to sit in stagnant water is a surefire way to kill it.
What Not to Do?
Many people mistakenly believe that orchids can be watered with ice cubes. However, this practice can actually harm the plant. Orchids thrive in humid, tropical climates, and exposing their roots to ice cubes is a shock to its system.
Perfect Light Exposure
Like most houseplants, orchids require bright, indirect light. Orchids do best with approximately six hours of light each day. To gauge if your orchid is getting the right amount of light, check the color of its leaves:
- Green leaves: Your orchid is receiving the perfect amount of light
- Yellow Leaves: Your orchid is receiving too much light
- Dark Green & Rigid Leaves: Your orchid isn’t receiving enough light
The lighting you give your orchid can also determine how quickly it reblooms.

Now It’s Your Turn
Orchids are fascinating beauties that can add an elegantly modern look to your home. With the right care and attention, these captivating beauties can flourish, offering long-lasting, healthy flowers that bring a touch of joy to any room. Follow these nurturing tips to enjoy the cycles of new growth and ensure your orchids remain happy and thriving.